EBP RSL is a boutique RSL Club tucked away in the beautiful Bardwell Valley. Our 2 restaurants, Cucina Mia and The Café offer a high quality yet relaxed dining experience for members and guests.

EBP Sports is located a short distance from the RSL in Earlwood. A traditional Chinese Restaurant overlooks our bowling greens and tennis courts, which are all available to the public and members.


We are so excited to be open again and can’t wait to see your smiling face back at the Club soon! Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are limited in the services we can provide and limited in the number of people we can welcome to the Club at any one time. We are however back to normal opening hours at both Clubs.

Under the easing of NSW Government Covid-19 restrictions from June 1, EBP RSL is limiting the number of guests at the Club and strictly observing the 1.5 social distancing rule.

Thank you in advance for helping us adhere to these guidelines.

EBP RSL and EBP Sports have implemented the following measures to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19 to our members and guests:

  • an increased number of alcohol-based sanitiser will be available in convenient locations throughout the club for use by members, guests and staff
  • additional cleaning staff will ensure that all areas of the Club including restrooms are maintained regularly
  • group seating will be limited and seating will be spaced apart to ensure social distancing is maintained
  • where possible we request patrons to use contactless payments to minimise cash handling

To protect yourself, other members, guests and staff we ask the following of you:

  • if you have flu like symptoms or you are unwell, please remain at home
  • please avoid unnecessary contact with other patrons
  • please wash your hands regularly
  • please cough into your elbow
  • please sneeze into a tissue

Thanks so much for your co-operation. We look forward to seeing you soon.



Membership has many benefits and will provide you access to a range of promotions and Special Events conducted by the Club as well as membership of EBP Sports.

See our friendly staff at Reception for a Membership Application. Applications are taken at Reception, and once your application has been processed, you will be issued with your own EBP Platinum Rewards Membership Card. Photo ID is required.

It’s our pleasure to reward you for being a member of our Club. As a member of EBP RSL and EBP Sports you are entitled to earn Platinum Rewards each time you visit our venues…

Simply present your card when purchasing meals and drinks at any of our bars and restaurants. Each purchase recorded will ensure your reward points are added to your membership card.

As a Platinum Rewards member once you have accumulated reward points, you could be eligible to enter members only draws, purchase goods from our Showcase and be entitled to free meals or drinks if you have accumulated sufficient points.